On Monday Stu, Brandon, and I met with the public school and Brandon's early intervention case manager for a transition meeting. Brandon will age out of early intervention in July when he turns 3. He is only in it for speech and is doing so well. He is really starting to catch up. He has well over 100 words now, repeats words he doesn't say regularly, and is starting to put together 2 and 3 word phrases. I have to write a letter to the public school in April requesting to have Brandon tested but they pretty much told me to keep him in a closet so he doesn't continue to learn (basically they don't think he will qualify). On Tuesday we went to look at a preschool that we will send Brandon to if he doesn't qualify for the public school.
On Tuesday we also went to the developmental clinic. Brandon saw a speech therapist, physical therapist, and one of the neonatologists, Dr. Rekedal. He was discharged from the developmental clinic since he has caught up to where they want him to be at his current age. He really has come such a long way in the past 31 months since he was born.