I can't believe Wesley is already 3 months old. The time is going by so fast. I am guessing Wes weighs between 14 and 15 pounds. He doesn't go to the pediatrician until the middle of October for a well baby visit so I am not sure how heavy he is. He is sleeping through the night and has been for awhile, anywhere from 8-10 hours a night. He is still sleeping in his rock and play but in his room. He is currently on zantac and prevacid for his reflux. Most of the time he is a happier baby than he used to be from the medicine helping him feel better but he does still spit up a lot. He eats every 3-3 1/2 hours a day and is still taking 4 ounce bottles. He is awake a lot more throughout the day and has become so much more aware of everything. We started gymboree classes and he likes those.
On Sunday we walked in the Big Steps for Little Feet walk to raise money for the NICU at Monmouth Medical Center. That is the NICU where Brandon spent the first 12 weeks of his life. The walk was really nice. More than $61,000 was raised for the NICU. We saw some of our friends from when we were there and also met someone from one of my preemie message boards and her son who were there a year after us.
We had a very fun weekend. Stu was working yesterday so Brandon, Wesley, and I met my parents in Point Pleasant at the seafood festival. There were tons of seafood vendors and craft vendors there and there were also pony rides for the kids. Brandon liked the pony ride when I was walking next to him. Before that he was scared. We had to stop so I could feed Wesley after we were there for a few hours and Brandon had so much fun running around and playing with his grandpa. Last night Stu and I brought Brandon to Raceway Park. Stu won tickets for any event during the season and last night was the monster trucks. Brandon really enjoyed seeing the trucks. He wore earphones so he wouldn't hear the loud noise which worked out great. This morning Stu ran in a 5K at Jersey Shore Hospital and Brandon, Wesley, and I went to cheer him on. After the 5K they had kid runs so Brandon ran in the 2-3 year old race. They then had a community day. There was a bounce house, characters, train ride, and lots of crafts for kids to make. There was also a ton of food.
The temperature dropped over night from 88 degrees yesterday to 48 degrees this morning. So I was able to dress the boys in some of their fall clothes today. I am ready for cooler days. I really love the weather in the beginning of fall.
On Wednesday Wes and I went to our first gymboree class. My friend Nancy and her son Colin also came with us. There were 3 other babies there too. We had a good time. In the gymboree level 1 class (ages 0-6 months) you sing songs with the babies and do a few other things with them lying down but you also get to talk to the other moms about things that are going on. We joined gymboree and will continue to go to classes until I go back to work. Unfortunately at that time we will have to stop for a few months because there are no level 1 classes after work or on the weekends. We will start up again when Wes is old enough for level 2.
Wesley has really started noticing things over the past week or two. I decided to try him under his play gym again a few nights ago. The other times I have tried him he has cried as soon as he was placed under it. This time he really enjoyed being under it and lasted for awhile. Of course once Brandon saw Wesley playing there he had to be a part of it and play too.
We went to jungleriffic yesterday so Brandon could have a playdate there with his friends, Jen and Logan. It is so cute seeing the 3 of them interact with eachother. Their birthdays are within a few months of eachother. All 3 kids had a great time.
Brandon's first day of school was this morning. The bus came to pick him up a little before 8:30. He was fine getting on the bus. It was me that had tears streaming down my face. He got home a few minutes before 12. When he got off of the bus he was wearing a bus hat that he made. Brandon said he had a good time at school. When I asked him what he did he told me he ate cookies and drank apple juice and that Mrs. Kathy changed his diaper. He came home with a PTA membership form, school picture order form, and first fundraiser.
Brandon and daddy before school giving Hershey a goodbye hug waiting for the bus Wesley waiting for Brandon to get home from school
My name is Karen and I have been married to my husband Stu for a little over 9 years. I was pregnant with twins and lost our baby girl at 20 1/2 weeks after I had premature rupture of membranes. I stayed pregnant with the other baby and our first child, Brandon Tyler, was born on July 5, 2008 at 26 weeks and 1 day. Our second child, Wesley Matthew, was born full term on June 29, 2011. This blog is documenting our children.