Thursday, March 29, 2012

9 Months Old

Wesley is 9 months old today! I can't believe in 3 months he will be 1. His well visit is on Monday so I will know his weight and height then. He is now wearing 12-18 month clothes and a size 3 diaper. He tries so hard to crawl but just can't move but his new mode of transportation is rolling. He gets where he wants to crawl by rolling there. He is still a great sleeper. He goes to sleep after an 8:30 bottle and sleeps until between 6 and 6:30. He is also a great eater. There has been nothing that he has had to eat that he doesn't like. He usually cries for more when he is finished with a jar of baby food. He is still taking 5 bottles during the day and loves those too. Wesley has his two bottom teeth. He just had a blood test done to check for allergies since he might have a dairy allergy. He has thrown up the two times that he had dairy. We will find out on Monday at his well visit.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Breakfast With the Easter Bunny

We went to have breakfast with the Easter bunny today at Stu's fire house. When we first got there Wesley's friends, Rebecca and Ava, were sitting on the Easter bunny's lap about to get their picture taken by one of the newspapers that was there. Rebecca's mom came to grab Wesley for the picture also and as soon as Wesley was sat down for the picture he started crying. I think the amount of people staring at him, the Easter bunny, and the fact that he was overdue to eat are what contributed to him being so upset. Later, after he ate and when less people were around, he was happy to see the Easter bunny. Brandon was happy to see the Easter bunny too. He printed a picture at home before he went that he brought with him to show the bunny.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Huge Smiles

Wesley was giving me huge smiles this morning after I got him dressed. You can see his tooth in the pictures if you look carefully.

Making Cupcakes With Grandma Marsha

Last week when my mom came to babysit Brandon helped her make cupcakes. He loved licking the batter when he was done making the cupcakes.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Video of Brandon Making Wesley Laugh

Click on the video below to watch it.


Wordless Wednesday

Time Out

Brandon decided his stuffed animals needed a time out so he put them on the step to sit. This is where Brandon sits when he gets a time out. Brandon has been throwing things lately and he has been told that he shouldn't throw the things so when we asked him why he was giving his stuffed animals a time out he told us they were throwing.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March for Babies

Stu, Brandon, Wesley, and I will be walking in the March for Babies on Sunday, April 29th in Asbury Park at Convention Hall. The March of Dimes plays a huge role in supporting the care of preemies. If you would like to join our team or make a donation please visit our team page at​karenjacobs

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brandon's Preschool Conference

On Tuesday afternoon Stu and I went to Brandon's school to have his conference with his teacher. Overall he did really well on his report card. He got mostly 2s (developing) and 3s (proficient) with a few 1s (beginning) for some fine motor skills. He has had a subsitute teacher all year since his teacher has been on maternity leave. Her last day is tomorrow since his teacher is coming back. She has done a great job with Brandon and I know he will really miss her. She did mention that we might want to consider sending him to an extra year of private preschool after his two years in the public school preschool since he is one of the youngest and smallest kids in his class. Some kids are already turning 4. He will turn 4 in July but shouldn't have even have been born until October. He is currently receiving speech and occupational therapy at school and I have heard that if we choose to send him somewhere else when he has an IEP we would lose services which we don't want to do if he still needs them. Also, academically he would have no trouble in kindergarten. He already knows his capital and lowercase letters, all letter sounds, can spell and read at least 40-50 words, can count to 40 or higher, recognizes numbers to 40 or higher. I have seen huge improvements in his speech and even his fine motor skills. He colors in the space now and actually has interest in coloring now. He also was able to put the lace in and out of the holes in his lace up animals over the weekend. Brandon still has 1 1/2 years of preschool and I know so much can change between now and then. So we don't have to make a decision yet. Our district also still only has half day kindergarten which I think would make it easier for Brandon. And he could always repeat kindergarten if it came to that.

Tummy Time

Wesley still is not a huge fan of tummy time but will tolerate it now for a little while before getting frustrated. He can push up so high on his arms now but can't quite get his legs under him to crawl or move himself on his tummy to army crawl.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wesley from this Week

Dr. Seuss' Birthday

Dr. Seuss' birthday was on Friday. Brandon made a Cat in the Hat hat at school. I didn't see his hat until right before bed time so he wouldn't take his pacifier out for me to take a picture.