Brandon woke up at 4:30 am this morning. I went into his room and picked him up and he put his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed and went back to sleep. Every time I tried to put him back into his crib he started to cry. Finally at 5:30 I got up with him. I started to bring him into the living room and realized that he felt warm. So I brought him back to his room and took his temperature and it was 100.9 rectal. He was very clingy and kept crying. I called the pediatrician's office and was able to get an appointment for 10:15 this morning. They are open 7 days a week which is great. We saw Dr. Lichtenberger and she looked at him and said his ears were clear (he had been pulling on them the night before) and his chest sounded clear. She looked in his mouth and said it looked like one of his top teeth was getting ready to push through. She thought the fever was teething related. I told her we were supposed to go to a barbeque this afternoon and asked if she still thought it would be okay for us to go and she said yes.
We went to a barbeque this afternoon at my friend Nicole's parents' house. I have know Nicole since first grade. Her baby, McKenzie, was born the same day that Brandon was due. It was our first time meeting her since Nicole now lives in DC. Brandon enjoyed meeting McKenzie. He also met Colin and Zack, my friend Kim's baby and 3 year old and Jason, Allison's baby. There was a baby wading pool that Brandon went in. It was his first time in a wading pool and he LOVED it. He didn't want to get out.
I was feeding Brandon his bottle tonight and after was looking in his mouth since he was giving me big open mouth smiles. I saw a tooth about the cut through on the top. The line of the tooth is at the gum's surface.
I checked Brandon's temperature before bed and he still has a low grade fever of 100.7 even with tylenol 2 hours before I checked it. Hopefully it will be gone in the morning.
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