Our town celebrates the 4th of July on July 3rd with fireworks. Stu's fire department hangs out in an area away from everyone else in town and barbeques. They are there on standby incase anything happens with the fireworks. Brandon came with us to hang out this year. I set up a blanket on the ground for him and he had a great time rolling around and crawling around on the blanket outside for awhile. Our friends Sommer, Bob, and Sydney and our friends Dina, Andy, Abby, and Tommy were at the fireworks so we walked over to say hi to them. Brandon normally goes to sleep at 7:00 but I let him stay up until he seemed exhausted and then came him his bottle and he fell asleep. He probably fell asleep around 8:45-9:00 so I put him in his stroller to sleep. I guess it was not as comfortable as his bed because he woke up about 5 minutes before the fireworks started. He was just about asleep again when the fireworks started so he wound up being awake for them. He watched them the whole time and was just in awe of them. Stu's brother and his family were here for the fireworks too. We are going to hang out with them later today.
Brandon seems to finally be feeling better. He still has a little cough but only when he is crying or first wakes up. His top teeth are right at the gums waiting to push through still. His gums are even split where they will come through.
A year ago today is when I went to the hospital because I started to bleed. It was my last full day of being pregnant. I am excited that Brandon will be 1 tomorrow but a lot of emotions are coming back to me about this time last year. I was so nervous and scared and didn't know what would happen. The NICU was a scary experience. Whenever the phone would ring you didn't know what news it would bring. And there were so many ups and downs with Brandon during his stay. They say the NICU is like riding a rollercoaster. There are two steps forward and one step back. I am so lucky that overall Brandon had a relatively easy course but it still didn't make him being in the NICU any easier.
1 comment:
So glad that Brandon is feeling better. Robinson's top two teeth broke through last week and he is a completely different little boy now that they are in! So happy and eating like a champ again, so I'm hoping Brandon feels better once they come in fully. I hope he has a wonderful 1st birthday!
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