Thursday, February 18, 2010

5th Ear Infection

Brandon has his 5th ear infection since mid October. I brought him back to the pediatrician this afternoon because his nose was still runny (thick and yellow) and he was pulling on his ears. Also, he woke up from his nap today and yesterday crying hysterically which is not like him. It turns out he has another ear infection. The pediatrician put him on amoxycillin and also told me to give him zyrtec before bed to help dry him out. He wants Brandon to get tubes. We go back to the ENT on March 9th and he said to have the ENT call him if we want after that appointment. He is concerned because he said everytime Brandon has an ear infection it is his left ear and it causes hearing loss each time. Brandon is already delayed in speech which is why he is getting early intervention for speech so he is not a child who can afford to have the hearing loss that ear infections bring each time.

Brandon has been a pretty playful and happy child despite not feeling 100%.

The doctor did say to continue the nebulizer since he still has a cough but only 3 treatments of xopenex a day and still the 2 treatments of pulmicort a day.

Brandon is also getting his bottom molars on top of being sick. No wonder he has no appetite between the not feeling well and mouth hurting.

1 comment:

The Turner Family said...

I am so sorry that he has another ear infection and the cold isn't getting better. Hopefully the zyrtec will help dry him out and he'll be feeling better tomorrow.