Thursday, May 31, 2012

Field Trip

Brandon's class went on a field trip to Green Meadows farm today and Stu went with him. The trip was supposed to be last Monday and I took a personal day so that I could go but it was pouring out so they rescheduled the trip for today. I was so upset that I couldn't go but Stu had a good time going with him and took lots of pictures so that I could see what the trip was like.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In Daddy's Boots

Memorial Day

On Monday we went to the Sprayground for the first time this year with John, Rachel, and Tori. We saw Becky and Logan there too. Brandon had so much fun playing there until a kid a few years older than him bumped into him and he fell face flat. Wesley wouldn't let me put him down. Every time I tried he started crying. So different than the first time Brandon was there when he was 1 and crawled around the whole time. After the sprayground we went to the park next to it to play.
After the sprayground we went to John and Rachel's house for a barbeque. Brandon and Tori had fun playing with the water table.
A picture of Wesley from Monday morning in his red, white, and blue

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

11 Months Old

Wesley is 11 months old today. I can't believe he will be 1 in a month from today. The past year has gone by way too fast. Wesley weighs 22 pounds, 2 ounces. I only know that because he went to the pediatrician on Friday for his ear to be rechecked since he just had his 6th ear infection and I asked them to weigh him. I am not sure how long he is. He is wearing mostly 12-18 month and 18 month clothes and is starting to wear some 18-24 month clothes. He is in a size 3 diaper but will be going into size 4 when the box of size 3 diapers is gone. Wesley has his two bottom teeth and two top teeth that just came in. Wesley crawls all of the time, pulls to stand, and cruises. He "talks" all of the time too and even started trying to say uh oh. He waves and claps his hands. He constantly wants to be where Brandon is which has led to Brandon getting upset sometimes since Wesley knocks down towers that Brandon builds. He is still eating baby food since he gags on table food. The only table food he can eat without gagging is puffs. He loves all baby food and sometimes cries when he is done because he wants more. He takes four 6 oz bottles a day. He is still having issues with dairy. I gave him another yogurt a few weeks ago after finding out he wasn't allergic to dairy and he threw up. I talked to the doctor on Friday and he said to hold off on yogurt until 12-15 months since it can sometimes be harder to digest. He said it was ok to try whole milk so on Sunday I gave him an ounce of whole milk in his bottle along with 5 ounces of formula. Two hours later he threw up the whole bottle. We are thinking it is probably an intolerance. I am waiting on the doctor to call me back to see if I should try soy milk or lactaid or the toddler formula that gerber makes. He still goes to sleep easily but has started getting up between 5 and 6 am ever since he started crawling. Hopefully that changes and he starts sleeping a little later again like he used to. He takes two good naps during the day still.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Puddle Jumper

A Day at the Beach

On Saturday Stu was working so I took Brandon and Wesley to Point Pleasant since my parents were there. Brandon loved the beach as usual. It was Wesley's first time on the beach and he loved it. He was covered from head to toe in sand.

Playing Together

Wesley likes to play with everything that Brandon is playing with. I have been hearing a lot of "Wesley no" because unfortunately Wesley tries to destroy the towers that Brandon builds.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

4 Years Ago Today

Four years ago today I gave birth to my baby girl, Brandon's twin sister. She was born at 20 1/2 weeks, 8 days after her sac ruptured. She only weighed 10 1/2 ounces and was 9 1/2 inches long. Her name would have been Kylie. I can't believe it has been 4 years since she was born. I often wonder what it would be like if she was here with us. Would she look like Brandon? Would she like to do the same things as Brandon or would she like to do different things? What would her relationship with Brandon be like? We showed Brandon her pictures tonight at bedtime and talked to him about her. He still doesn't understand but I like to tell him about her every year on this day. I love you baby girl.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Seabright Fireman's Fair and Mackenzie and Madison's Birthday Party

On Saturday night we went to the Seabright Fireman's Fair with John, Rachel, and Tori. Brandon was the only one who was big enough to go on the rides. There was a bounce house that he loved and he also went on the big slide ride with mommy two times. The first time he didn't like it so much but then he asked to go on it again and really liked it. Yesterday we went to Mackenzie ans Madison's 1st birthday party. Their dad works with Stu. They had a bounce house there and a pool filled with balls. Brandon had so much fun playing.
Ready for the birthday party

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wesley's Favorite Person

Wesley just loves Brandon. Every morning when Brandon comes downstairs Wesley crawls over to him and pulls up to stand so he can look at Brandon. Brandon loves Wesley too but is still trying to get used to this new stage of Wesley coming over to him all of the time and Wesley getting into his toys.


This is what Wesley does now every time he sees the camera. So cute!

Brothers in Stripes