Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week 12 Karen/ Week 11 Brandon and Wesley

One more week of virtual teaching for me! Brandon and Wesley will still have school until June 22nd but we have an end in sight (for now). We still do not know what next year will look like for school. Unfortunately we found out on Friday that rec camp was canceled for this summer. It will be a long summer. We do plan on going to the beach club every day if it is nice out so we have something to do.

We went to the safari at Great Adventure on Sunday. Great Adventure is still closed but they recently made the safari a drive through experience like it used to be. The kids and I have membership passes so it was free for us. We just had to pay $10 to bring Stu with us.
Wesley finished his painting of Gus. He now wants to make one of Hershey and Missy so he has all 3 dogs he has had.
We went on a walk at Weltz Park after work/school one day.
OTES teacher parade drive by- Wesley was so excited to see his teacher. We watched from the corner of his friends, Kenzie and Kelsie's, house. Lucy and her brother Luke also watched from the same area.
Celebrating National Doughnut Day with doughnuts from Broad Street Do Co.
We found baby blue jays in our yard yesterday. They were too young to fly but animal control did not take them since they said they are not sick.

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