Friday, September 12, 2008

36 Weeks Corrected

Brandon is 36 weeks corrected today which means that I would have been 36 weeks pregnant with him. Last night he was up 20 grams. At rounds this morning they decided to switch his formula to special care 20. He had been on special care 24 originally and was doing fine with it. After he had his virus his formula was switched to alimentum which is an easier to digest formula because it is broken down a little more. The doctor here does not seem to like it very much and since he had been tolerating the other formula fine until he got sick they decided to switch him off of it and onto special care 20. He will be on that for now and will come home on neosure. Monmouth Medical Center also sends home the majority of preemies on neosure so at least he will have that consistency. Brandon was switched to a crib this morning. So far he is holding his temperature. His temperature will be checked again with his 3:00 cares so we will see then how he is doing. I have been doing the majority of things at his cares when I am here...changing his diaper, taking his temperature, checking his aspirate (what he did not digest), and putting his formula in the syringe and hooking it up. He had a much better day yesterday than his night the night before and has had a pretty good day so far today too.

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