Friday, November 4, 2016


For Halloween this year both Brandon and Wesley knew exactly what they wanted to dress up as. Brandon wanted to be Bowser from Mario Kart and Wesley wanted to be Mickey Mouse. I couldn't find a Bowser costume to buy so I showed my mom a clip art of what he looks like and she made his costume. It came out great and Brandon absolutely loved it! For Wesley's costume I started off by buying a Mickey hooded sweatshirt that I found at Target. He had compression pants from soccer already that he used for the black legs and I found a pair of red shorts that I bought. I couldn't stop there though. Wesley needed to be exactly like Mickey Mouse according to him. I found yellow crocs which I bought and one of our friends was in Disney World the week before Halloween so she was able to find Mickey Mouse hands which Wesley loved.

Brandon and Wesley had a parade at school on Monday. I wasn't able to go since I had a parade at my school so Stu, my parents, and his parents all went. I also have some friends who texted pictures to me.
I picked the kids up from school when I got home from work, brought them home, and then we went trick or treating. They had so much fun and were both so into it.
Wesley won the Clifford pumpkin that he helped decorate at Project Extend. He was so excited!

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