Thursday, March 26, 2020

Virtual Learning- Week 1

Virtual learning started last Tuesday, March 17th for my school and on Wednesday, March 18th for my school. We are having Virtual Learning since we can't go to school due to the Coronavirus. We also are not currently allowed to be within 6 feet of everyone. Restaurants, movie theaters, stores except for grocery stores and hardware stores, are all shut down. Sports have all stopped. It is a very surreal world that we are currently living in. Thank goodness for technology because we are all trying our best to go on with learning and teaching. It is definitely much harder teaching my kindergarten students while teaching 3rd and 6th grade at home to my own children. Stu is still working since he is considered an essential employee.

Our kitchen table ready for Virtual Learning.
Virtual Learning Day 1 for Brandon and Wesley. Both of their schools wanted them to wear their school spirit wear to start Virtual Learning.
Virtual Learning has begun. Brandon is doing his work everyday at the kitchen counter and Wesley is at the dining room table. I spend my day going back and forth between them while doing my own teaching with my students in a google hangout and through email.
The daily schedule that I made for Brandon and Wesley. They sometimes decide to start their afternoon earlier than 1 so they are finished earlier in the afternoon. I do make them stop for a recess every day.
Virtual Spirit Week for Brandon- wear a hat
Indoor recess on a rainy day
A funny meme that I found
Virtual Spirit Week for Brandon- twin day (technically they were supposed to dress the same as a friend if they had school but Wesley was the next best thing)
Mismatched socks for World Down Syndrome Awareness Day at my school for Virtual Spirit Week

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