Saturday, April 11, 2020

Virtual Learning Week 4/ Spring Break

Brandon and Wesley had Spring Break this past week but my school continued on with virtual learning. We did have some "fun" moments this past week but there were also some more things taken away from us. County Parks and State Parks as well as our local parks were closed partway through the week. I understand why but going to those places was one thing helping us keep our sanity. We were very good about social distancing there but I guess other people weren't which is why the decision was made to close them. At the end of the week they started requiring masks to be worn when you go to anyplace that involves food. It is a very different looking world at the moment.

Monmouth Medical Center is making a collage of thank you messages and pictures for the nurses and doctors that still need to go to work every day. Brandon and Wesley made signs for me to email in to be included in the collage.
My parents came to have a social distance visit with us on Saturday.
I also had a zoom hangout with some of my mom friends.
On Sunday the Oakhurst and Wanamassa Fire Departments drove around all of Ocean with the Easter bunny. Wesley requested the same breakfast that they would have if they were going to the breakfast with the Easter bunny so I made it for the family.
It was Wesley's turn for a haircut from me.
This is what my day looks like every morning. This is how I see my students when I am teaching each day.
Wesley had a zoom hangout with his G&T class even though they had no school this week.
Our calendar is now color coded to show when everyone's zoom/google hangouts are. Very different than showing the different sports/activities that everyone has.
Speech with Miss Christine
A google hangout with my kindergarten teachers to discuss school
We went to Weltz County Park which is down the street from us after I was done with school one day to get some fresh air. The next day is when they decided to close County Parks. We saw a young red tailed hawk in one of the trees.
A social visit with Stu's parents
A visit to the beach
It was Brandon's friend, Jameson's, birthday. His mom organized a drive by birthday. We started it with the fire truck and there were tons of cars following behind us.
My mom's birthday was on Tuesday. We had a zoom birthday celebration with my parents and my brother's family.
On Wednesday my friend Gina and her family were nearby for a birthday drive through so they stopped over for a quick visit.
We had a google hangout Passover with my parents, Stu's parents, Rich, Debbie, and Zack. And where else to hide the matzah but in the toilet paper package.
Wesley facetimed his friend Euan. I found this on my phone after their conversation.
There is an art studio in Freehold that will drive a canvas art kit to your house after you order it. I ordered one for each kid. It took 2 days for them to do. They came out great.
Trying on the mask that my mom made him.
Brian Fallon performed on Instagram live. We were supposed to go to one of his concerts at the end of March which has been postponed.
Brandon's turn for a haircut. I buzzed it all which he really loves.
Our bird is back. Every year this bird makes her nest in the same spot at our house.
The whole family worked together on a chalk mosaic in our driveway.
A zoom hangout with some friends that I grew up with.
On my way to get food for dinner from a restaurant.
I got this in the mail yesterday from one of my students.

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