Sunday, November 7, 2010

ENT and Pulminologist

On Thursday morning Brandon had an appointment at the ENT and at the pulminologist. I made back to back appointments since I was off and he was due for appointments at both doctors. The ENT said one of his tubes will probably come out in the next few months since it isn't in as tight. I asked him to check his tonsils and adenoids since when he had his speech evaluation a few months ago the person who tested him said that sometimes when children have speech delays it is because of those. He said if he doesn't snore his adenoids are okay but when he looked at his tonsils he said they are slightly enlarged. The ENT said that they find that in a lot of preemies. So he will keep an eye on them and see if they need to come out eventually. He goes back in 6 months.

We then went to the pulminologist. He said Brandon looks good. Brandon gained a pound and grew an inch in the 3 months since we had been there last. He weighed 23 pounds, 8.8 ounces. He said to keep Brandon on the singulair through the winter since he hasn't needed to use the nebulizer since he started on it. He goes back in 3 months.

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