Saturday, May 14, 2011

High Risk Appointment- 32 Weeks

Yesterday I had an appointment with my high risk doctor. He wanted to see me at 32 weeks to do a growth ultrasound. The tech took some measurements first and made me nervous because she asked if I had my gestational diabetes test done. I said I had and she said the baby was measuring a little bigger than 32 weeks. I got nervous thinking I was going to wind up having a 10 pound baby. She then said that he was weighing 5 pounds, 2 ounces. The doctor then came in and took some measurements and then went to the computer to plug the numbers in. He came back and said that the baby weighs 4 pounds, 7 ounces which is a little more than the 60th percentile. He estimates that the baby will weigh 7 1/2 pounds when he is born. Everything looks good with the baby and I don't need to go back to the high risk doctor.

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