Sunday, May 3, 2020

Virtual Learning Week 7 Karen/ Week 6 Brandon and Wesley

Not as many pictures this week since it was mostly the same as all other weeks with teaching, zoom/google hangouts, and completing school work. But I did document a few new things this week.

We bought a fire pit a few weeks ago and decided to try it last Sunday night. It had rained prior to Sunday so the wood we bought didn't really light since it was too wet. We did enjoy roasting marshmallows to make smores when the paper we added in was on fire.
We ordered pallet boards with stencils to paint a few weeks ago from an art place not too far from here. They came over the weekend so Brandon and Wesley worked on painting theirs.
This is what gym class looks like now.
Later today Brandon and Wesley will be working on their art projects that were delivered from another local art studio. Wesley requested a picture of Gus to paint and Brandon will be painting a sand castle bank.
Wesley made a lava lamp from a video he watched for G&T using water, oil, food coloring, and alka seltzer. So cool!
Some funny memes I found this week. I think they do a good job of summing up how we are all feeling at this point.
Brandon's thank you for a video the PTA is making for teacher appreciation day which is this week.
Pyramid with the cups from quick cups
So true about Brandon and Wesley. I really am so proud of how the two of them are handling this. They both miss their friends a ton, miss their teachers, miss travel soccer. They miss being normal kids. But they do their work everyday and have been real troopers throughout all of this.
Yesterday the county and state parks reopened as well as our town park. They still want you to social distance at the parks. They are only letting in half the amount of cars as usual and the park rangers were very good about closing the parking lot when it reached that. It was a beautiful day yesterday and so nice to get out of the house for a change of scenery from our neighborhood. We went to Hartshorne Park in Middletown and did a 2 mile walk through the woods.
I came home to these beautiful tulips from my friend Elena and her daughter Issy.

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