Sunday, July 12, 2020

Legos, Boogie Boarding, Drive By, High Honor Roll

Another week of summer just passed. Stu took off this week. Unfortunately the weather was not the best but we did make it to the beach a few times.

Wesley got the Manchester United lego stadium set for his birthday. It is meant for ages 16+ with 3,898 pieces. Wesley finished it by himself in 4 days!
We had Ava's drive by birthday on Tuesday. Later we went back to her house for a water balloon fight and snow cones.
We got a new for us boogie board from one of Stu's friends on the fire company. Brandon has been enjoying it and now Wesley uses the boogie board that Brandon was using that was actually my nephew's old board.
Brandon made high honor roll the last marking period. I am so proud of him! He really worked hard for it.
We still do not know what school will look like in the fall but do know it will be a hybrid of in school and remote learning. I have very mixed feelings about it. While I do believe the kids need school for social reasons and because they learn better from their teachers there are still a lot of scary things about going back to school/work with Covid 19 still infecting the amount of people that it is.

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