Friday, January 8, 2010

18 Month Well Visit

Brandon had his 18 month well visit yesterday at the pediatrician. He is now 31 inches so he grew 1 1/2 inches since his 15 month visit. He weighed 20 pounds, 8 ounces. The reason he was down 2 ounces from Monday is because he was weighed with his diaper on at the pulminologist. Brandon hasn't gained any weight since his 15 month visit. However, he started walking a month after his 15 month well visit so the pediatrician thinks that he hasn't gained any weight since he is more active. He didn't seem concerned.

The pediatrician did say I need to give Brandon less whole milk than he has been drinking. He only wants him to have 16-20 ounces a day. For awhile that is all he was drinking but once he started getting sick in October he started to crave milk. So he has been drinking more than that the majority of the time. According to the pediatrician if you drink to much milk you can become anemic. I never heard that before so I am not sure if that is true.

Brandon got 3 shots yesterday. He didn't react right away after the first shot but about 5 seconds after the first shot he started to cry. He cried right through the next two shots and then continued to cry for 10 minutes after.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

I have never heard that about milk before either. Sounds so crazy!

I can't believe Brandon is eighteen months! Time is surely flying!