Sunday, September 12, 2010

Game Day

Today is the first Steelers football game and Brandon is ready for them to win! I had to pull out his Steelers shirt from last year since I hadn't bought a new one yet. His shirt from last year is much shorter than last year but it is ok for him to wear today. Next week he will have a new one that Grandma and Grandpa bought for him this weekend in Pennsylvania!

Brandon had a good week at the babysitter. He was only there Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday since we were off on Monday for Labor Day and on Thursday for Rosh Hashana. On Thursday I brought Brandon to the pediatrician for his flu shot since I was off. He didn't even cry! I think it is the first time he got a shot that he hasn't cried. He weighed 22 pounds, 13 ounces. Up 3 ounces from his 2 year well visit. I thought he had gained more since he has been eating so well and he feels heavier to me but 3 ounces is better than nothing. He is so active so I am sure he burns off calories as quickly as he eats them. After his shot we went to a park near here to play.

We had a good weekend. Yesterday we had a yard sale and then last night we went out to dinner. It is raining today so we are just hanging out in the house.

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