Saturday, September 5, 2009

14 Months Old

Brandon is 14 months old today (11 months adjusted). He was at the pediatrician yesterday for his flu shot and weighed 19 pounds, 15 ounces (1 more ounce and we can finally put him in his new car seat forward facing). Brandon started going to the babysitters this week and so far has adjusted well. He has been eating and napping well. He is tired when he gets home from playing all day and has been sleeping really well at night too. I started back at work as well and so far things are going well. My class this year seems good so far although it is very boy heavy (12 boys, 7 girls) which really makes a huge difference in kindergarten. It is hard only seeing Brandon for 3-4 hours before he goes to sleep for the night but I know I will enjoy my time with him on the weekends much more than before and I will have the weekends to look forward to.

At 14 months old, Brandon:
- is finally sleeping through the night
- has 7 teeth (4 on the top, 3 on the bottom)
- weighs 19 pounds, 15 ounces- I am not sure how long he is
- is wearing 12 month or 12-18 month clothes
- loves to eat table food but still eats baby cereal, fruit, and vegetables to supplement the table food
- crawls quickly and really well
- pulls to stand all the time and cruises all the time
- is drinking four bottles of whole milk a day
- still will not drink out of a sippy cup- he chews on it like it is a teething ring
- loves to play with his toys
- waves hi and bye

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