Monday, February 1, 2010

So Big

My mom babysat for Brandon today when I was at work. I came home and she told me that he had been doing so big with his arms all day. Whenever she said, "How big is Brandon?" he put his arms up in the air. I didn't even know he knew so big. Apparently she has been teaching it every Monday when she babysits. Once I found out he knew it I had him doing it and he kept doing it until he got sick of it.

Brandon also does wash hands. His speech teacher has a book with a baby washing its hands that she shows to Brandon each week. She showed him how to rub his hands together for wash hands and everytime he saw the picture in the book last week he rubbed his hands together. Now if I say wash hands he automatically rubs his hands together.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

That is too cute! It's crazy the things they can learn in such a short time! Love the pictures!