Thursday, December 18, 2008

Developmental Clinic

Brandon went to the developmental clinic at the hospital this morning for the first time. The developmental clinic is for babies that were born prematurely. They go every 3-4 months usually and can be seen by a physical therapist, speech therapist, neonatologist, and nurse practioner each time they go. Today he saw the nurse practioner, Dr. Hudome (one of the neonatologists when he was in the hospital), and the physical therapist. The physical therapist showed me some stretches that I can do with Brandon for his torticollis (neck stiffness) but overall said he is doing great. She said he is much more alert than your typical 2 month old (the age he should be right now). He weighed 11 pounds, 8 ounces so he gained 2 ounces from his pediatrician appointment last Thursday. It was a different scale he was weighed on so he might have gained a little more if he were to be weighed at the pediatrician. Dr. Hudome said he is looking great. She couldn't believe how big he is now. She mentioned switching his formula to carnation good start. I think we will give it a try.

We saw Alexys, one of the babies that was next to him in the NICU for awhile, and her parents. Her appointment was a half hour after ours. We will see her again when we go back in April since we scheduled our appointments for the same time as each other. After the appointment we all went up to the NICU to say hi. Dr. Alemany was working up there so he got to see Brandon.

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