Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Going Back to Monmouth Medical Center

Brandon had his eye exam today. The opthemologist said that his eyes did not get any worse so he still does not need the laser surgery. He said he would be comfortable with him going back to Monmouth Medical Center if Dr. Pardone was comfortable taking over and doing the eye exams. He called her and she said she was comfortable with it. So we will be going back sometime tomorrow. He had a good day today and a good day yesterday. He was also good overnight last night. His oxygen is at 25% and his sats have mostly been between 98% and 100%. He was not happy at all when his eyes were examined and also when he had to get a new feeding tube put in his nose since he pulled his out tonight. He weighed 2205 grams tonight so he is now just short of being 4 pounds 14 ounces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is great news!!! I'm so happy for you three to be returning to Monmouth! Good luck with everything there! If for some reason you're still at CHOP tomorrow (Thurs) I"ll stop by. If not, good luck! I'll be looking for more pictures on facebook :-)