Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Letter from Brandon

Hi Everyone! This is so special that my mommy and daddy wanted me to write to tell you my good news. I have made so much progress that I will hopefully be coming home in the next week or two. All I have to do now is be able to drink all of my milk, and still gain weight and have my oxygen liter flow lowered. It is really hard work though and may take me a little while still. Once I come home, I still have to be very careful. I can get sick very easily, and if I get a scary thing called RSV, I could have to go back in the hospital. I don't want to do that because I have already given mommy and daddy enough gray hairs for a while. I won't be able to be around people really, and the doctors say I can't be around other kids for a long time because they have so many germs, but I will be playing before you know it. I also have to stay away from strong smells, like smoke and alot of perfume. I know I am not very much fun right now, but unfortunatelly I couldn't wait to get here, and my body still has a lot of developing to do. Not to mention that mommy is a little over protective. Daddy says she is a little nuts, but I know she means well so try and bear with her. Mom and Dad tell me all the time about all of you out there that have been praying for me, and I can't wait to get home and meet and play with you when spring comes and RSV season is over. I'll see you soon!
Love, Brandon

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