Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No News Is Good News and Bad News

The opthemologist came to look at Brandon's eyes today around 1:00. He did not see any change in Brandon's eyes from when he saw them on Thursday. They were not any better and not any worse so he does not need the surgery yet which is good news but the bad news is he wants to see him again next Tuesday. His eyes can still get better on their own and he does not have plus disease yet which is why he does not need the surgery yet. If there is no change he will want to continue to see him every week. We are hoping if that is the case that the opthemologist who looks at the babies eyes at Monmouth will feel comfortable doing the follow up and we can go back to Monmouth. If she is not comfortable he will have to continue to stay here until he is ready to be discharged which could be another 4 1/2 weeks. They tell us here that most preemies do not get discharged until around their due date and he still has 4 1/2 weeks until then. We were told at Monmouth that he probably would have been out in about another 2-3 weeks roughly. I will be staying here by myself since Stu will be going home tomorrow to go back to work. Then he will be here on weekends and next Tuesday for the next eye appointment. Brandon was down 30 grams last night from the night before. Hopefully tonight he will gain some weight again. The doctor had the nurse lower his oxygen from one liter to 3/4 liter. So that is a good sign. He is still in the isolette but is set at room air temperature so if he continues to stay like that for a few more days they will try him in a crib again and see how he does with that. We also talked to the doctor to see when they plan on starting to try some bottle feeds again since they have not tried that since he got here. It seems like that should start again too. I just hope the doctors here plan on moving him through things at the same pace as they were planning to at Monmouth. It seems to me like they go slower here.

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