Monday, August 25, 2008

August 24, 2008

Brandon weighed 1693 grams last night which is a little less than 3 pounds, 12 ounces. It may not be a completely accurate weight though because he had not pooped in 2 days and he is retaining a little water. He finally did poop in the middle of the night so there will not be a huge weight gain most likely tonight.

When we got to the hospital last night Brandon's head was bobbing up and down when he was breathing. I had never seen this happen before. It turns out he had to be suctioned. He had a TON of stuff in his nose. Sue said the night before that she has to suction him twice during her 12 hour shift since he does get a lot in his nose. What annoys me about last night is when Stu and I were at the hospital in the day I asked his nurse if he had been suctioned and she said no because he did not sound like he needed it. Last night Sue said that he sounds good when he needs to be suctioned but Sue knows him well (the day nurse yesterday had never had him before) so she knows he needs to be suctioned. At least I know the signs to look for now so I can tell when he needs to be suctioned and mention something to the nurses if nobody is suctioning him. Once he was suctioned last night he was completely fine.

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