Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008 afternoon

Brandon did such a good job with 1 cc of milk yesterday that the doctor increased the amount of milk he gets to 2 cc's every four hours today.

I was at the hospital this afternoon from 11:45-2:00. Brandon only had one desat the entire time and it was when he was moving around a lot. He was down to 24 oxygen when I got there. Dr. Alimony came over to talk to me and said since he was doing so well he was thinking Brandon would be off of the ventilator on the shorter end rather than the longer end. Chris, his nurse, let me take his temperature and change his diaper. I also held the tube again while the milk went in.

Stu and I are going to go back to the hospital when he gets home from work and then a friend of mine is coming with me at 7:30.


Unknown said...

I am so happy to hear how well Brandon is doing! He looks so cute, Karen! I am so happy you are able to feed him.

Thinking of you,

StephBednarz said...

I am so glad to hear that he is tolerating the milk so well!!! He will be gaining wait in no time! I can't wait to see him!!!!!!

So....I'm kind of interested in knowing what kangaroo means.....holding him close to you????

See you guys later!
